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[hylafax-users] Can't Send by email

Hello, I am running FrogFax Version and am having some issues when attempting to send a file in the email. For example, I will get done typing a word document in Open Office. I go to print and select my fax_printer I set up as a virtual printer using RedMon. It opens up the frogfax software and has me fill out the subject and email address of the person I am sending it to and so on. At the bottom I can click on send fax and it will work just fine, but when I click on Send Email I get the error message:

"Cannot open file C:\Program_File\Frog\Etc\Administrator\PDF\AD080318074740.PDF"

I get this message every single time and I can't figure out what is wrong. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
fn:Bill Cody
org:Cassens Transport Company;IS Department
adr;dom:;;145 N. Kansas;Edwardsville;IL
title:Linux System Administrator

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