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Re: [hylafax-users] Hylafax+ With E1 card possible ?


>Not at all!  All telephone calls are digital anyway nowadays

Don't forget that we can only send/receive fax at V.34 rates when using
Group 3.... it doesn't matter whether you use a digital or analog
interconnect between the board and the exchange.

>And that's exactly what the Eicon Diva card does:  it provides a virtual
device under /dev/ that looks like a UART...

Yes, it does emulate a COM port but that's important here.... the Eicon card
uses a proprietary Class 2 interface which moves the fax protocol into the
board.  When you have problems it's down to Eicon to fix them not HylaFAX.

>It all works fine, and the only problems we have ever had have been due to
customers with clunky old fax machines.

Why doesn't it work 100% of the time ?  'clunky old fax' machines may be
important to some customers (most of our medical customers for instance).

We have customers who deploy 16 OCTO+ boards (128 ports) in a server.... the
primary reason is to allow the underlying fax server to handle the fax
protocol.  Most often they deploy this using T1/E1 channel banks.

What I'm trying to get across to George H is that his good experience with
analog modems will not necessarily be repeated if he moves to a digital fax


Andrew Rinaldi
Mainpine Developer Support
USA +1 503 822 9944 | UK +44 8458 909438
andrew.rinaldi@xxxxxxxxxxxx | www.mainpine.com

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