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Re: [hylafax-users] What am I missing

* Rick Thompson <rthompson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [071031 13:30]:
> Can someone please tell me what I am missing or point me in the right
> direction aka a URL to read. I've read every article I could find on this. I
> am trying to set up an asterisk server as an email to fax and fax to email
> server. I have fax to email working on a trixbox already but I don't need
> all the functionality of freepbx. I can't seem to get just asterisk to
> IAXmodem to Hylafax to email to work. 
> Asterisk is installed and running, IAXmodem is installed and running (starts
> with /etc/init.d/iaxmodem) with 7 modems configured ttyIAX0 thru ttyIAX6. I
> down loaded hylafax and installed it. It starts with /etc/init.d/hylafax but
> faxgetty is not running. I tried running faxaddmodem and get ttyIAX0 already
> in use by another program. I'm also running sendmail on the box and would
> like to configure it to do email to fax using Hylafax or email2fax. My pstn
> gateway is a Quintum Tenor.

What version are you using?

"in use by another program" is a message printed with there is a
"lockfile" for the device.  They location is sytem dependant, but
usually somehing like:

Are there lock files in there?  They have the name like LCK..$DEVICE,
and contain the PID of the other process using the device.


Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 825-8700 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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