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Hi folks;
I've got a "live one."
Updated to the most recent HylaFax release and suddenly all my client
logins broke.
Looking through the logs it appears that HylaFax is now hitting the PAM
service whenever it doesn't find a match in the hosts.hfaxd
table. But - the documentation says nothing about this, and it isn't
matching the "wild card" user records that used to work (e.g.
"user@^.*::some-password") Also, the old wild-card stemming for IP
addresses (e.g. "192.168.") doesn't work any longer either!
So - what needs to be in the /etc/pam.d directory? I'm cool with it
using the Unix password file but I can't find the magic incantation and
its not referenced in the current documentation.
Karl Denninger (karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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