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[hylafax-users] Timezone in HylaFAX

Hi All,

I am running HylaFAX+ 5.1.10 and I appear to be having a discrepancy
between the date on the system and the date displayed by faxstat. Below
I have the output of the "date" command, and then the output of a
"faxstat -rs" as a fax was just completed being received. There is an
hour discrepancy between the actual time and the time displayed by faxstat.


Tuesday 16 October 2007 07:53:59 IST

HylaFAX scheduler on bfiefax01: Running
Modem /etc/iaxmodem/devices/ttyIAX003 (): Running and idle
Modem /etc/iaxmodem/devices/ttyIAX004 (): Running and idle
Modem /etc/iaxmodem/devices/ttyIAX002 (): Running and idle
Modem /etc/iaxmodem/devices/ttyIAX006 (): Running and idle
Modem /etc/iaxmodem/devices/ttyIAX007 (): Running and idle
Modem /etc/iaxmodem/devices/ttyIAX000 (): Running and idle
Modem /etc/iaxmodem/devices/ttyIAX001 (): Running and idle
Modem /etc/iaxmodem/devices/ttyIAX005 (): Running and idle

Protect    Page   Owner        Sender/TSI    Recvd@    Filename
-rw----    1        5                BlueFace        06:53        


This is the only place that I can see a discrepancy in the times, the
taglines have the correct date/times and FaxAccounting enters the
transaction logs into the database with the correct times.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

fn:Bruce McAlister
org:Blueface Ltd
adr:;;8 Clanwilliam Terrace;Dublin;Dublin;Dublin 2;Ireland
tel;work:+353 1 524 2009

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