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Re: [hylafax-users] JPEG and JBIG send/recieve support . . .

"Roberto Garuti" <roberto.garuti@xxxxxxx> wrote:

To completely disable JPEG and JBIG send/recieve support is enough to insert into che config.ttyXY files the following rows ?

Class1ColorJPEGSupport: no
Class1JBIGSupport: no

Assuming you're using a Class1 fax device then yes, this should be sufficient.

After setting these configs, if one sender supports these transmission formats send us a fax what happens ?

The sender should negotiate with you and agree on a mutually acceptable image format.

I mean: during the initial handshake between two faxes, the one that can perform the most "powerful" transmission adapt its transmission protocol, speed, resolution etc. to the one less "powerful" ?

You got it!


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