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Re: [hylafax-users] attachments are zero bytes - problem with ubuntu / debian packages?

* marthter <marthter@xxxxxxxx> [071001 10:58]:
> Hello everybody,
> Having followed the list for several years, I've seen this question come 
> up dozens of times, and I'm pretty sure the usual remedy is make sure 
> metamail is installed and re-run faxsetup (so that the various 
> mime-encoding variables in setup.cache get set properly - right?).
> However doing that has not helped on this newly installed machine that 
> I'm trying to set up.  Here's what I've done (and re-done to make sure I 
> didn't manually change some config file in a dumb way).

Can you show the encoding variables in setup.cache?

I'm assuming the xubuntu/ubuntu package is still pretty similar to
Giuseppe's debian package?


Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 825-8700 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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