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Re: [hylafax-users] Restrict fax send to a specific time window

James Rich wrote:

I would like to specify that a fax job only be attemped during certain hours of the day on certain days, like 8 am to 5 pm weekdays. I've read the sendfax man page and the online docs and I don't see anything like this. I can specify when to schedule transmission using the -a option to sendfax, but I don't think this will be sufficient.

The sendfax -a option (and the complementary server-side support for it) in HylaFAX+ supports a "TimeOfDay" feature that you're wanting.


*-a*/ time/
   Schedule transmission up to one year in advance at the indicated
   /time/. /Time / is specified in the format: ``HH:MM [AM|PM] | now [+
   N /period / | /month / DD | /dayofweek / ] [ @ /timeofday/ ]'' where
   /month / can be Jan(uary), Feb(ruary), Mar(ch), Apr(il), May,
   Jun(e), Jul(y), Aug(ust), Sep(tember), Oct(ober), Nov(ember), or
   Dec(ember); /period / can be minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), or
   month(s); /dayofweek / can be Mon(day), Tue(sday), Wed(nesday),
   Thu(rsday), Fri(day), Sat(urday), Sun(day); e.g. ``now + 30
   minutes'' to schedule transmission 30 minutes in the future.
   Trailing information in the /time / field (such as YYYY) is ignored.
   By default, /sendfax/ schedules facsimile for immediate delivery.
   Time should be given in the user's local time. Conversely, the
   /timeofday/ field restricts the job from sending at various times
   relative to the server. The syntax for /timeofday/ is identical to
   the *TimeOfDay* syntax found in /hylafax-config



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