* Marcin Giedz <giedz@xxxxxxxx> [070222 16:38]:
What do you mean faxq logs? The only place where such message if
recorded is syslog. However I've got every log file created in hylafax
root directory.
Please set servertracing to 0xFFFFF
, and
send them all to me next time it crashes...
Yes - all faxq's logs go via syslog, and end up somewhere like
/var/log/syslog or /var/log/daemon depending on the syslog config.
A GDB backtrace would be
lovely as well, but logs should be a start...
you mean "gdb process 'faxq'"?
gdb /usr/sbin/faxq <pid_of_faxq>
If doing gdb, you need to "protect" it from your console being
disconnected, etc, so I recommend using screen. And you need to
remember to set pagination off so gdb doesn't "prompt" you every time it
get's a screenfull of message (it prints a message every time faxq forks
to prepare/send/notify). I can lead you through this more in-depth
of-list of you need it.