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[hylafax-users] no incoming

I am running hylafax 4.2.4 under Suse 10.0 with Perle
Analog 8 port, latest drivers and firmware.

I installed 5 Fax boards in Dell PowerEdge 2800. First
two boards with 16 ports and last board 8 ports
working fine for both inbound/outbound. Third and
Fourth board OUTBOUND ONLY working and no incoming.
When I dial one of the number in those those two
boards, faxgetty not listening. No problem with
Telecom side. It is just those boards. Faxgetty looks
fine..and no errors in the log file too..

Board #1 ttyPS0 to ttyPS7
Board #2 ttyPS8 to ttyPS15  -- not working for inbound
Board #3 ttyPS16 to ttyPS23 -- not working for inbound
Board #4 ttyPS24 to ttyPS31
Board #5 ttyPS32 to ttyPS39

Anyhelp appreciated,
Thank you in advance

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