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[hylafax-users] hylafax squashing my pages

Hi all
i have installed debian 31r2  and auto installed hylafax server useing "apt-get ".  (HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.2.1)

hylafax works great exept for one problem and this only happens when revieving faxes from sertian fax machines,
2pages are sent to me and hylafax as expected converts them into pdf and sends them to my mailbox great
not yet it places both pages onto one page making it to small to be of any value.  when sent 3 pages from that
same fax machine it gives me 1,5 pages on a pdf.
As the fax machine is not in my country i cannot give any information about it and the owner speeks very bad eng ! so i cannot get any further info

can any one please help
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