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[hylafax-users] qued but not sending

I am newbie in linux and hylafax. Last day I installed hylafax on my system. please help me to run the system properly. Here is the command line when i tried to send one file.

thoyyib@thoyyib:~> faxstat
HylaFAX scheduler on thoyyib.iac: Running
Modem modem (+96612168492): Waiting for modem to come ready
thoyyib@thoyyib:~> sendfax -n -d 92168491 email.pdf
email.pdf: Can not open file
thoyyib@thoyyib:~> sendfax -n -d 92168491 /home/thoyyib/Desktop/email.pdf
request id is 19 (group id 19) for host localhost (1 file)
thoyyib@thoyyib:~> sendfax -n -d 92168491 /home/thoyyib/Desktop/email.pdf
request id is 20 (group id 20) for host localhost (1 file)

How can I add user and host to use the server from client machine?
I expect your valuable replay

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