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Re: [hylafax-users] Hylafax error: 530 login incorrect

Hi Michael,

Sorry for the late reply.
I've changed my hosts.hfaxd as shown below:


I'm still getting error 530 login incorrect :(

Please help!

Michael Stowe <mstowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It's possible, but since you continue to use the wrong syntax, it's a
pretty safe bet that hosts.hfaxd is the source of the error. should NOT work

10.7.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ is the correct syntax; see man hosts.hfaxd for more

> Yes i know. I typed it in as :)
> I even tried to change my fax server IP to 10.7.101.X to match with the
> clients IP range but still it wont work. I'm still getting error 530.
> Could it be anything other than hosts.hfaxd thats causing the error?
>> Thanks.
> Max Mothwurf wrote: Am Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2006
> 07:40 schrieb ja raju:
>> I tried that too, still no luck. It's still giving me error 530.
>> Anything
>> else i could try?
> Try again without the final period - was a typo from my side. Sorry
>> Should this not look like
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