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Re: [hylafax-users] Dialogic E1 PCI.

Hi :-)

My card is Intel Dialogic D/300JCT-E1.
As i understand, i need drivers and applications like the faxsend and faxgetty programs.
Is the bayonne-dialogic support that?

If not then i guess that i will have to find new card.....pretty big problem.



Lee Howard wrote:

Mike Almogy wrote:

Does anyone know if the Diallogic E1 PCI is supported in Linux and Hylafax?

No, I've not seen Linux drivers for Diallogic cards that present an AT command interface to the application.

The idea is to connect the Hylafax server to a E1 PRI 32 lines.

Look at the Patton 2977 or the Eicon Diva Server, perhaps. Lee.

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