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Re: [hylafax-users] new community site

Darren Nickerson wrote:

Interesting news Lee, thanks.

Well, we live in interesting times; but let me make my view:

I run an exclusively Linux based solutions company in Dubai. I have provided numerous solutions based on the OSS Hylafax, and am also providing solutions based on iFAX Hylafax Enterprise. I have solved a lot of problems and am deeply indebted to Lee for his enormous contribution to the list. Hylafax popularity here in Dubai owes a lot to Lee. However, I also feel that Darren has not, in any manner whatsoever, hijacked Hylafax for the benefit of iFax or commercial consideration. My clients might prefer the iFAX Hylafax simply because it gives them an additional level of support. They look at a possibility where my company or I might not be around later (Dubai being a global mishmash, 80% of the population being expatriates), and would want an additional level of support.

The point I would like to make is that both of you are contributing enormously to Hylafax, OSS and Linux worldwide, and it seems a shame that we get into such acrimony and divide the community. I hope that we all get back to the same community mood as it existed before, and contribute and further the cause of the OSS movement.

Consider this as an appeal, please.



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