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[hylafax-users] Faxstate

This is a hylafax 4.2.2 beta1 that was built from source.  It has 6 lines on it and is being used to receive and send.  Faxgetty is running for all 6 lines.  The problem I am having is when I use:


 faxstate –s down ttyS0

 faxstate –s down ttyS1

 faxstate –s down ttyS4


 or use the busy command it only works for a little while and then it starts sending out on all 6 lines again.  The PID stays the same for faxgetty process.




Brent Roper

9210 Cameron Rd Suite 800

Austin, TX  78754

Phone: 512-928-8282

Fax: 512-928-1825

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