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Re: [hylafax-users] [hylafax-announce] **ANNOUNCE** hylafax-4.2.2 released

Jean-Pierre Radley wrote:

OK, so how does one do this? Sendfax normally schedules for immediate
transmission. Is this feature useful only by using the -a flag of
sendmail, and scheduling all of my faxes to 3334445555 to go at 07:00PM?

If you wanted to coordinate a batch, then yes, you would submit all jobs with the same time-to-send "sendfax -a".

As far as this being it's only "usefulness", I don't think that's the case.

The original intent behind batching was to help ease the burden of getting jobs through to busy receivers.

So let's say that I regularly (every 30 minutes or so) send faxes to a desination where the destination is frequently busy. Let's say that no faxes get through for over an hour. So now I've got two or three jobs sitting in the queue. When a call finally gets through to the destination I want to capitalize on the opportunity and have all of those jobs that are in the queue to that destination go through at once. If I hang up and call back for the next job chances are that someone else's call will beat me to it by the time my next job stops sleeping.

Batching is going to be quicker and thus save on toll costs... so that's another use.

Batching helps get jobs to busy desinations, thus slowing down the processing of the queue, out of the way... thus getting the other jobs to their final resting places sooner, too.


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