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Re: [hylafax-users] Notification mail attached file of outgoing fax copy

On Aug 1, 2005, at 5:52 AM, Nikos Zaharioudakis wrote:

On 8/1/05, offman <offman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

you have got them encoded , with uuencoding!! ( normally used for email attachments) open them in a text editor and you will see :

begin 644 tmp/conv2pdf26883.out

run them through a convertor to get your file back.

On Aug 1, 2005, at 1:36 AM, Nikos Zaharioudakis wrote:

Hello everybody,

I have configured my hylafax server to attach a copy of the outgoing
fax of a client.
Since our mail server {postfix with always_bcc option enabled} keeps a
copy of all mails, we archive our faxes.
The proble is that the attached files are not readable {either in pdf
of tif format}. For you to take a look here is an example
I am using hylafax-4.2.1-1rhp rpm (on a CentOS 4.1). The rpm is taken
from the hylafax ftp server.
Please somebody tell me that the files are readable by you or 4 of my
computers are to be formated.
Thanx in advance.


That's very nice of you.
Could you please point to some direction for help. You see what I got
as attachment, was produced by the hylafax set of scripts. Now let me
focus on the problem.
Do you imply that the mail client did not do his part right, or the
file was uuencoded by the hylafax script.

Best Regards,

Zaharioudakis Nikos
mob: +30 6947204063

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if you are using a mac, then it's easy.
but basically , you need to strip out the attachment then run them through a UUdecode program. ( windows mail programs should do this automatically)
I don't know what you are trying to do ,but if it is to read the attachment on your windows email, then you have got your windows thingy , mis-configured.
I.E it's you client setup.

it is sometimes down to the users playing with the configurations in their mail programs, or that damned internet explorer reconfiguring the default file types

if you have it scripted, then just go look on the internet for "uudecoding utilities"

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