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Re: [hylafax-users] sent fax notification <=> kolab/postix

Hi Bodo,

I've made some progresses. But I'm not there yet.
Bodo Meissner wrote:
> Hello Georg,
> variable SENDMAIL is in setup.cache. Run faxsetup to update this file.

I've looked at that file. The sendmail variable points to
/kolab/sbin/sendmail. Which is o.k.
> To debug the notify script you can add something like that:

> exec >> /tmp/notify.log 2>&1
> set -x
> after the comment block in notify.

which comment block ? I've added it at the end of the script. I'll test
what happens

I've changed the

AFAIK it should send mails now, but the mind-tormenting thing won't do it.

OK, I know what happens:
I get an epty file calle notify.log. The faxes arrive, I have verified

At least, which is far more than from where it started from, it got a
emailtofaxgateway working (almost) I can send Emails with attached pdf

> Bodo
> P.S. Don't send me a copy of a message you send to the mailing list.



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