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Re: [hylafax-users] PDF Attachments with Hylafax 4.2.1

Current (4.2.1 and current CVS) versions of HylaFAX don't require uuencode_it. Please upgrade (preferrably to CVS HEAD) and then re-run faxsetup and retry.


Bastian Marmetschke wrote:


I have Problems reciving Fax with PDF Attachments. My FaxDispatch
looks like that :


and my bin/uuencode_it like that :

uuencode -m $1 $1 | grep -E -v "^begin|^====$" 2>/dev/null

If i run uuencode_it manualy I get following error massage :
[root@proxy[/var/spool/hylafax/bin]]$ => sh uuencode_it
usage: uuencode [-m] [-o outfile] [infile] remotefile
      b64encode [-o outfile] [infile] remotefile

I am running FreeBSD 5.3-Rel.

greetings and thanks,


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