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Re: [hylafax-users] Strange file name

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 03:38, Kendrick Wong wrote:
> HylaFax 4.2.1
> Fedora 2,
> Kernel 2.6.5-1.358
> Hi there,
> I got no problem in sending fax. However, the received fax (TIF) cannot be
> opened in Windows, but it can be opened in the hylafax server itself by
> GIMP in Gnome. So I tried to change the FileType to PDF and PS, the PDF
> format file also cannot be opened, but the PS file can be converted to PDF
> file and opened successfuly.

If you open the attached file in a text editor, could it be that it looks like 
a text file and that all lines are starting with a capital M and that the 
file is about 64KB in size?
I had that here and I found that the code in the faxrcvd script was not 
working like it should be. To fix this I created a version of my own that 
uses mutt to attach and send the fax instead. Works like a charm here, maybe 
it works for you too.

Jan Hugo Prins

Attachment: faxrcvd.mutt
Description: application/shellscript

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