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Re: [hylafax-users] How to send fax as email with pdf attachment

And it's been in the archive 100s of times, and people have even posted
simple faxmail replacements...

* Lee Howard <faxguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [040625 12:06]:
> On 2004.06.25 08:07 Jon Morgan wrote:
> >It seems this is a common question but I am unable to find a clear
> >description of how to make this happen.  I need to send an email with
> >a pdf attachment through postfix to hylafax.  Anyone who could point
> >me in the right direction or give a detailed instruction would be
> >greatly appreciated.
> You can do this many, many ways.
> For example, if you use procmail as your MDA then you could set up a 
> procmailrc recipie on a particular "fax sending" account.  You'd then 
> use various tools in that recipie (i.e. metamail, uudecode, etc.) to 
> get the attachments out of the mail onto disk, and then you'd fax them 
> out using sendfax.
> Another way would be to enhance faxmail to support PDF and then use 
> faxmail.
> Another way would be to write your own faxmail replacement, say using 
> shell, that calls on sendfax when it's done the work described in the 
> procmailrc approach.  You'd configure this the same way that you 
> configure faxmail.  See:
> http://www.hylafax.org/howto/faxing.php#ss5.4
> >Don't worry about offending me by giving too
> >much info.
> Hehe ;-)
> Lee.
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