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Re: [hylafax-users] initauthconf Problem

Quoting Lee Howard <faxguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

The hfaxd daemons run in a chrooted environment. /etc/auth.conf would refer to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/auth.conf.

That's why I created the sym-link, but creating an actual file does nothing as well.

However, I have no idea what auth.conf is. I'm guessing it's some FreeBSD customization in the port.

I didn't install it via. ports. I did a good 'ol ./configure make make install

The interesting thing is that I cannot upload to certain directories, /sendq and
/tmp even though the perms are the same. Is this normal or am I just doing the
wrong ftp commands?


]# ncftp3 -P 4559 -u mike
NcFTP 3.1.5 (Oct 13, 2002) by Mike Gleason (ncftp@xxxxxxxxx).
Connecting to
fax.client.lan server (HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.1.8) ready.
Logging in...
Password requested by for user "mike".

Password required for mike.

Password: ****

User mike logged in.
Logged in to localhost.
ncftp / > cd sendq
ncftp /sendq > ls
ncftp /sendq > put bleh.txt
put bleh.txt: server said: bleh.txt: Operation not permitted.
ncftp /sendq > cd ../tmp/
ncftp /tmp > put bleh.txt
bleh.txt:                                               15.00 B  154.57 B/s
ncftp /tmp > exit

And then my hosts file:

]# cat etc/hosts.hfaxd

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