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Re: [hylafax-users] comrec error

On 2003.06.03 13:00 Justin Kay wrote:
> I was under the impression that these multitech modems were the best
> modems
> for use with hylafax, that's why I got this one.

In its day I'm sure the MT1432 was a great modem.  I never owned one, 
myself.  I saw one at the thrift store the other day, but it didn't 
have a power supply.  A lot of people swore by these things in the past 
- probably with just cause, but the problem you're seeing is a firmware 
matter... and as I said, you'll need to bring it up with MultiTech to 
get a fix, switch to Class 1, or get a new modem.

> Will this modem use
> class
> 1?

probemodem -s 38400 -f -c "AT+FCLASS=?" ttyS0

> I thought that it was a class 2.0 modem.  The firmware is 114b, which
> I
> though was ok because it says use 109 or better.

Apparently it's not ok.


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