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[hylafax-users] logging

I'm trying to setup hylafax for the first time, and have configured, I
think successfully - I can talk to it via minicom & ) my multitech
ISI333/4fax board. I ran faxaddmodem, and walked through the process of
adding a few of the lines. ttyM1a-c. 

Next, I did:
	[root@fax2 etc]# sendfax  -d 1.800.564.1362 /root/faxtest.pdf 

However, it doesn't seem to have been received by the other fax machine.
I tried running 'xferstats' which gave me the following:

	gawk: /tmp/xferfax3158:308: fatal: cannot open file
	`/var/spool/hylafax/etc/xferfaxlog' for reading (No such file or

I also cd'd to the /var/spool/hylafax/log directory and did not see any
log files. 

I definitely have dialtone I could minicom to ttyM1a and did an 

which responded with a nice "OK"
which, remembering my old zterm days, is a good thing. ;) After that, I
got a little carried away and started doing googles on bbs' that I could
call. Found one, got a login - they don't take new accounts. ;)

When I do sendfax, I can tail /var/log/messages, and I'll see something
like this: 

	Apr 15 15:46:49 fax2 FaxQueuer[3092]: SUBMIT JOB 6
	Apr 15 15:47:24 fax2 FaxQueuer[3092]: SUBMIT JOB 7

Problem is, I've got to wait fifteen minutes before I see this:
	Apr 15 14:58:22 fax2 FaxQueuer[3092]: NOTIFY: bin/notify "doneq/q1"
"timedout" "

Even then, that doesn't help very much. Could someone point me to where
I can look at the real time logs of what is going on, or a way to see
what is happening? 


| Nicholas Bernstein            | nick@docmagic.com             |
| UNIX Systems Administrator    | http://www.docmagic.com       |
| Document Systems Inc.         |                               |

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