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Re: [hylafax-users] High Volume Outbound

bigbrorpi@hushmail.com wrote:

>Hi all -
>I have Hylafax set up with the Sambafax script to allow me to spool a
>text document via LPR and parse out a phone number and destination user
>to feed to sendfax. I have an AIX server spooling 100+ jobs a night,
>and last night was my first night of testing. Of the 100+ jobs, all but
>eight completed. Those eight are stuck in the sendq. Oddly enough, if
>you open the qXXX files, there is no phone number or destination user
>(unlike the other successfull jobs in the doneq). So I figured my parsgin
>failed for those jobs - nope - the script automatically pages me if it
>can't parse out a number, furthermore, it would never even send them
>on to hylafax (via sendfax) if it couldn't get a number. So I looked
>in syslog - I see most of the jobs being submitted, but those eight are
>never being listed as submitted (even though they are now stuck in the
>sendq). Furthermore, there are no c0000xxxxx entries for them in the
>log directory. I'm concerned about this seemingly "ghost fax" issue.
>Does Hylafax have a max number in queue setting that I may have exceeded?
>Or does anybody have any idea why these eight faxes were called with
>sendfax but never got send or submitted to the scheduler but are still
>in the sendq?
Because maybe 8 of them could not be sent becuase the receiving phone 
line was busy, out of paper, not a fax number, incompatible protocols, 

>Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

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