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Re: [hylafax-users] hylafax linux

I had a couple of similar problems.  The setup for redhat is actually pretty straightforward.  You can either do one of two ways, you can downloaded the RPM, or you can install from source, I prefer source.


Run the configure, make and make install (last part as root).  And then run the faxsetup program.  It’ll setup just about everything by default, which works fine.  It sounds like you’ve already gotten that far.  As for the user name and password, you need to run faxadduser and add a user.  It doesn’t have to be one from the linux box, it can be different.  Then stop and restart hylafax.  I don’t know if that part is required, but I had to to make it work.  One thing to make sure of before you get too far with Cephius, is to make sure that you can send faxes from the command line first to make sure it works. Trying to send a postscript file to a fax machine like the following…


sendfax –n –d <faxnumber> file.ps


That will send a fax to the number without a fax cover page.  If that works, then all is well and the only thing left is to get the user name and password working.  Also, I had some problem installing cephius, I had to reinstall the base programs first and then install cephius last.  Not sure if order made that much of a difference, but its worth noting.  If you have any more specific questions, write back, I just finished a setup my self and am working on installing the client (cephius) on all my nt4 workstations here at work.


Awesome program guys, looking forward to using it more!


Joey Officer

Martin Apparatus, Inc.


-----Original Message-----
From: hylafax-users-bounce@hylafax.org [mailto:hylafax-users-bounce@hylafax.org]On Behalf Of Prasanna buddika
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 2:55 AM
To: hylafax-users@hylafax.org
Subject: [hylafax-users] hylafax linux


Hi all,



Please help me to up and running hylafax software.

I am using redhat7.3 linux server. I have installed hylafax-4.1.3

Client software is cypheus. When it try to connect to the server it asking for username & passwd.

I don't know why is asking for passwd. Please help me on this.







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