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Re: [hylafax-users] If you where a newbie to Hylafax and a beginner with Linux where would you start...

Suse 8.0
It took me a while to understand the Hylafax way of doing things. Once I got 
accustomed to using all the config files in /var/spool/fax everything seemed 
to flow. Have a close look at these files and get to know them. They are the 
heart of Hylafax. 
Brian Marr

On Thursday 12 September 2002 21:30, you wrote:
> What man pages would you read, what doc/how-to files would you read.
> Basically where would you start. I have been able to get Hylafax to work
> they way I want but I don't really understand all the config files or
> directory locations ect.
> Paul Kraus
> Network Administrator
> PEL Supply Company
> 216.267.5775 Voice
> 216-267-6176 Fax
> www.pelsupply.com <http://www.pelsupply.com/>

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