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Re: [hylafax-users] Newbie

Paul wrote-

> Are there any newbie tutorials???

There is tons of information in the how-to section, along with the
plethora of people here who have helped me get up and running.

> I am having a hell of a time getting
> this set up. I can get the system running (redhat 7.3 an a brand new
> dell server) with 4 internal modems. All modems are configured to
> receive and all receive fine. But it saves them in a tiff format that
> I think is not really tiff.

It is tiff, but given what you are pointing out, you likely need to do
the same thing I was told to.  Namely, in your config.<ttxxx> file, put
the following line:

RecvDataFormat:         "1-D MR"

This all has something to do with the various formats tiff is written as
I guess.

> I can't view the faxes the redhat machine or
> on my winxp workstation using paint which supports tiff. I also do not
> want them saved as tiffs. I want them saved as pdfs and then emailed
> to my winxp workstation.

To do this, you need to add the file FaxDispatch to your
/var/spool/fax/etc area, and add something like this to the file:


In your case FILETYPE=pdf should do it.

Because of this, you will need to also install metamail or perform some
other setup.  Again, the Howto tells you all!!!!

Now you can also change SENDTO to another ID, but your best bet is
simply to modify the aliase for FaxMaster to point to whomever you want
it to.

> I also want to have them emailed and then
> automatically printed to a shared printer attached to a Windows box.

You are starting to want more and more, huh?  As for printing to a
shared printer, is it shared via samba/cups?  I.e. is it able to be seen
by the unix box?  If so, you can set up things to auto print, but again
just read the howto!!!  (www.hylafax.org has it).

> Also how does the software handle legal sized faxes and such?

Don't know.  Hasn't come up yet for me.

>I know
> this is a lot of questions and I have been through the how-to and
> setup on Hylafax.org.
> But I find them assuming you have a strong understanding of Linux. I
> know enough to get around but I am by no means a guru. Thanks for the
> help. We are trying to setup a server dedicated to faxes. I want and
> pushed to have Linux instead of a M$ product.
> Paul Kraus
> Network Administrator
> PEL Supply Company
> 216.267.5775 Voice
> 216-267-6176 Fax
> www.pelsupply.com <http://www.pelsupply.com/>

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