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Re: [hylafax-users] Trouble compiling hylafax 4.1.3 on suse 8.0

On Sun, 1 Sep 2002 21:30:54 +0200 , "Saltermark, Atle"
<atle.saltermark@brreg.no> wrote:

>	Cannot locate a suitable C++ compiler.
>	If such a compiler is in a non-standard location, you can specify
>	location in several ways:
>    		o set the environment variable CXX
>    		o create a config.local or config.site file that includes a
>      		definition for CXX
>    		o supply it on the command line using -with-CXX=<pathname>
>	...
>I have gcc-2.95.3-216 (/usr/bin/gcc)  installed and I'm able to
>compile/install other applications.

HylaFAX is written in c++ and not in c.
So maybe you have the c compiler installed with which you compile other
code, but not the c++ compiler.


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