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Re: [hylafax-users] CAUGHT SIGNAL 11...

Can anyone shed any light on this problem?

Right now I am working around it with the following snippet:

[cheezy perl script]
echo DEFANGED.2111

my $currentProcess;
my $faxRunning = 0;

while (1) {
	my @processList = `ps ax`;
	foreach $currentProcess (@processList) {
		if ($currentProcess =~ /hfaxd/) {
			$faxRunning = 1;
	if ($faxRunning != 1) {
		print "Hylafax died... restarting hylafax" . "\n";
		`/etc/init.d/hylafax stop`;
		`/etc/init.d/hylafax start`;
		`sleep 60`;
		`/usr/local/sbin/faxmodem modem`;
	} else {
		print "Hylafax appeared to be running... sleeping." . "\n";
		`sleep 1`;
	$faxRunning = 0;
[/cheezy perl script]

As you can see, this is somewhat... erm... sub-optimal (yes, I know...
it's not even good Perl:)).

Anyway, is there anything that can be done about the stability problem
short of watchdog scripts like these?


On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 11:53, Jesse D. Sightler wrote:
> With Hylafax 4.1.3, I am getting Signal 11 errors after about 1 day of
> operation.
> The system being used is:
> 	Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
> It was compiled with: 2.96
> It's running a PIII 450Mhz, with about 384 megs.  I've also had similar
> problems with hylafax-4.1.1-2rh7.rpm on a different machine.
> A possibly related issue is that we check the status of jobs using the
> FTP protocol interface (from a Java application) approximately once per
> minute).  
> We also occasionally use the FTP interface to add documents to the
> existing jobs, and sometimes while it is attempting to send the "JSUSP"
> command, I receive the error "Please suspend the job first".
> Could this be a bug in the server?
> -- 
> =======================================
> Jess Sightler
> Programmer
> Exim Technologies
> 131 Falls Street
> Greenville SC 29601
> Phone: 864-679-4651
> =======================================

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