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[hylafax-users] HylaFAX working for this idea?

Hi experts,

some days ago I was assigned to do the planning for the following

A campus-wide address-database is being set up (esp. for the press
office) where addresses of newspapers, companies and such are going to
be stored (MySQL based, Webfrontend (PHP)). 

One function of this database is to send faxes to lists of people out of
this database (~500 over night, perhaps getting more).

I am wondering if HylaFAX can handle the following requirements:

   - sending faxes from the web-server to the fax-server (if it's
     going to be divided)
     -> Since HylaFAX is Client/Server-based that should work
   - sending ~500 FAXes in one night (not every night, but when needed
   - are ISDN-cards supported? The campus-phone-network is ISDN based.
     Or is it better to use modems?
   - Is it scaleable? (if the number of FAXes increases?

How would HylaFAX handle those 500 FAXes - one by one or is there one
FAX plus a list of numbers to send to? (How much space is needed on the

What server-hardware is suggested (how much power do we need for such a

And finally: To be able to account the usage we need to add prefix-PINs
for outgoing calls. Do I have to expect problems regarding sending

If possible, reply to me personally too as I am not yet subscribed to
this list. I am going to check the archive though)


"Life's not fair," I reply. "But the root password helps."      [BOFH]

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