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Re: [hylafax-users] flow control problems?

--- Blair McKay <bawb@openface.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed 3 multitech MT5634ZPX-PCI-V92
> Internal Data/Fax/Voice Modem
> Version 1.25p. After having wedging problems with
> USR modems.
> Now I seem to be having problems with what I assume
> to be flow control.
> Running the modems as class 2.0 resulted in multiple
> errors and failures, as
> well as producing truncated and garbled tiff output.
> Rendering it almost
> useless.

Configure the modems in Class1.

> Running hylafax 4.1 on FreeBSD 4.5 I get the
> following contained in 90% of
> the log files:
> Jul 11 11:42:23.48: [  106]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
> Jul 11 11:42:26.58: [  106]: --> [0:]
> Jul 11 11:42:26.58: [  106]: MODEM <Empty line>
> Jul 11 11:42:26.58: [  106]: MODEM TIMEOUT: waiting
> for v.21 carrier
> Jul 11 11:42:26.58: [  106]: <-- data [1]
> Jul 11 11:42:26.59: [  106]: --> [2:^P^C]
> Jul 11 11:42:26.59: [  106]: --> [2:OK]
> Jul 11 11:42:26.59: [  106]: DELAY 1500 ms
> Jul 11 11:42:28.10: [  106]: <-- [9:AT+FTH=3\r]
> Jul 11 11:42:29.05: [  106]: --> [7:CONNECT]
> Jul 11 11:42:29.05: [  106]: <-- HDLC<23:FF C0 02 04
> 4E A6 96 CE CE AE 32 04
> A6 0E AE F6 4E E2 04 A6 32 04 04>
> Jul 11 11:42:29.05: [  106]: <-- data [23]
> Jul 11 11:42:29.05: [  106]: <-- data [2]
> Jul 11 11:42:29.06: [  106]: --> [7:CONNECT]
> Jul 11 11:42:29.06: [  106]: <-- HDLC<10:FF C8 01 00
> 77 5F 01 79 03 C0>
> Jul 11 11:42:29.06: [  106]: <-- data [10]
> Jul 11 11:42:29.06: [  106]: <-- data [2]
> Jul 11 11:42:30.44: [  106]: --> [2:OK]
> Jul 11 11:42:30.44: [  106]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
> Jul 11 11:42:33.54: [  106]: --> [0:]
> Jul 11 11:42:33.54: [  106]: MODEM <Empty line>
> Jul 11 11:42:33.54: [  106]: MODEM TIMEOUT: waiting
> for v.21 carrier
> Jul 11 11:42:33.54: [  106]: <-- data [1]
> Jul 11 11:42:33.55: [  106]: --> [2:^P^C]
> Jul 11 11:42:33.55: [  106]: --> [2:OK]
> Jul 11 11:42:33.55: [  106]: DELAY 1500 ms
> Jul 11 11:42:35.06: [  106]: <-- [9:AT+FTH=3\r]
> Jul 11 11:42:36.01: [  106]: --> [7:CONNECT]
> Jul 11 11:42:36.02: [  106]: <-- HDLC<23:FF C0 02 04
> 4E A6 96 CE CE AE 32 04
> A6 0E AE F6 4E E2 04 A6 32 04 04>
> Jul 11 11:42:36.02: [  106]: <-- data [23]
> Jul 11 11:42:36.02: [  106]: <-- data [2]
> Jul 11 11:42:36.02: [  106]: --> [7:CONNECT]
> Jul 11 11:42:36.02: [  106]: <-- HDLC<10:FF C8 01 00
> 77 5F 01 79 03 C0>
> Jul 11 11:42:36.02: [  106]: <-- data [10]
> Jul 11 11:42:36.02: [  106]: <-- data [2]
> Jul 11 11:42:37.40: [  106]: --> [2:OK]
> Jul 11 11:42:37.40: [  106]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
> Jul 11 11:42:40.50: [  106]: --> [0:]
> Jul 11 11:42:40.50: [  106]: MODEM <Empty line>
> Jul 11 11:42:40.50: [  106]: MODEM TIMEOUT: waiting
> for v.21 carrier
> Jul 11 11:42:40.50: [  106]: <-- data [1]
> Jul 11 11:42:40.51: [  106]: --> [2:^P^C]
> Jul 11 11:42:40.51: [  106]: --> [2:OK]
> Jul 11 11:42:40.51: [  106]: RECV FAX: RSPREC
> invalid response received
> Jul 11 11:42:40.51: [  106]: RECV FAX: end
> Jul 11 11:42:40.51: [  106]: SESSION END
> (ad nauseum)
> not all of them fail, some of them actually result
> in clear viewable tiff
> files. But the amount of failures is disturbing
> (roughly 1 out of every 6
> suceeds)
> I have grep'd through all the config files and have
> no idea where its
> getting the string "AT+FRH=3\r". Under kermit the
> string results in a error.
> Any ideas?
> Will upgrading to the current version have noticable
> results?
> Are there modem config files containing proper
> strings that I am missing?
> Thanks.

4.1.2 release is the stable version this days. I think
it worth a try because you avoid bugs that have been
fixed already. But try the modems in Class1, I'm sure
you will notice good differences.

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