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Re: [hylafax-users] hylafax does not send mails after fax-reciving

On 2002.05.20 13:00 Gerhard Engler wrote:
> Hello mailinglist,
> when my hylafax receives faxes i get no eMail (not to FaxMaster and not 
> to user in etc/FaxDispatch).
> Im running hylafax in version 4.1.2-2 (Debian SID) + capi4hylafax on a 
> Pentium III/800 Computer.

> What is wrong in my installation?

Well c2faxrecv is a capi4hylafax issue, not a HylaFAX one.

However, I'd bet on c2faxrecv calling on faxrcvd with the wrong number of 
parameters.  You could test this by commenting-out the parameter check at 
the beginning of faxrcvd.


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