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Re: [hylafax-users] Newbie: Receiving on a shared phone line

On 2002.05.03 19:29 Joe Follansbee wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just installed HylaFAX on RH 7.2 using a US Robotics 56K external
> modem on ttyS1. I'd like to be able to receive faxes on a shared
> voice/fax
> line. I'd like it to work along the lines of an answering machine message
> which says "Press Send now to send a fax." I looked in the documentation
> and list archives and didn't see anything that clearly spelled out how to
> do this. Could someone help please?

faxgetty doesn't do voice.

I've never done this, but I imagine that through use of mgetty and/or 
vgetty you could create the answering system, and then have it pass-off 
the call to faxgetty if it is a fax.

That said, I think that you'll be much better off just getting separate 
lines - even if this were a ready-made procedure.


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