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Re: [hylafax-users] Receive Errors

On 2002.03.18 09:59 bradw wrote:

> OK, I'm kind of confused. Why the push to use class 1? This would seem
> contrary to what is indicated on the web site.

Where on the web site?

> we first tried some hayes accura 336 flash modems. they work for a while,
> and then they stop answering the phone's for god knows what reason.
> So I just purchased the multitech modem based on what I saw in those
> pages. If that info is so wrong, why is it even there? Is anyone doing
> any
> work to try and update the info?

Yes and no.  There are some pages which contain old information which is 
valuable under that context, and attempts are being made regularly to 
underline that.  There is too much web content for anyone to maintain in 
its entirety on a part-time hobby basis, so if you'd like to quit your day 
job to do it, be my guest.

> anyway, still having trouble.
> so my question is, if i want the software to work, what modem _should_ I
> buy? an which class should i run it in?

Buy a modem that is supported by the manufacturer, that doesn't cost you a 
lot, and that runs Class 1.  Run it in Class 1 unless you are certain of 
HylaFAX's compatibility with it in Class 2 and that the Class 2 firmware 
is solid.


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