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[hylafax-users] EOP/MPS problem

Hi, there,

I have read the mai; 'Re: [hylafax-users] EOP errors, Was: Little question'
and knew to solve the EOP problem by stop using software pauses for timing
after +FTH=3 and other similar commands in lieu of using +FTS=n, which is
the more appropriate procedure. +FTS=n has not been used historically in
HylaFAX because some chipsets will respond with OK/CONNECT following +FTS=n
after a period of time that is not n*10 ms."

How can I do that? Please advise.

'Re: [hylafax-users] EOP errors, Was: Little question

Anyway, the way to fix the problem with USR/3Com and Lucent-chipset modems
is to stop using software pauses for timing after +FTH=3 and other similar
commands in lieu of using +FTS=n, which is the more appropriate procedure.
+FTS=n has not been used historically in HylaFAX because some chipsets will
respond with OK/CONNECT following +FTS=n after a period of time that is not
n*10 ms.  This actually is expected behavior and occurs because the modem
is waiting for the transmission carrier to cease before the silence begins.
 (I've also seen it to be less than n*10 ms, also, for the corresponding


Thanks a lot.

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