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Re: [hylafax-users] ZyXEL U-1496 replacement

At 06:04 PM 7/23/01 -0300, Altamiro M. Diniz wrote:
>Hi All,
>I'm currently using a U-1496E for our HylaFAX Version 4.1beta2 (SuSE v6.4)
>I'm planning to build a new fax server and while checking on 
>www.zyxel.com, I noticed U-1496 series is not present as a available
>product: there is information about U-336E and U-90E series instead.
>My question, is 336E/90E a good replacement for a U-1496E? 

No.  At least the U336S has buggy firmware for receiving faxes.  Sending
faxes is fine.


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