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Re: [hylafax-users] Fax cutted when sent in pdf via e-mail

> Does anyone had the same problem, or know why this happens?

When I tested an 8.5x14 (American Legal), tiff2ps compressed it down to 8.5x11
(American Letter) when converting to postscript. Even when using the -w8.5 -h14
options, the ps file was still compressed down.

I don't know what to tell you, maybe get on the libtiff mailing list and ask
them. Here's a patch for tiff2ps that lets you split the large faxes across
multiple pages:


I'm almost done with a new faxrcvd that will allow you to add in FaxDispatch a
check for the size of the paper and send the fax in tiff format instead of pdf.
It's using the CID patch so it takes 5 parameters instead of 4, but that's
easily changed. Let me know if you want it and I'll send it to you.


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