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[hylafax-users] got a mail gateway for pdf attachments working.


I've figured out a setup how to send pdf-attachments from email to the
faxserver. The body of the message itself is ignored.
Attached pdf's in messages with the address 0214312323@pdffax.foo are sent
out via hylafax.

- I use qmail:
I've setup a virtual domain fax with the line:
| pdffax $DEFAULT

in .qmail-default of this domain

pdffax ist a little perl script (please see below - thanx to candid!) It
should be within the home of the owner of this virtual domain. It'a quick
hack  - I'm sure there are better solutions!



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use MIME::Base64;
my $Filename;
my $status;
my $status2;

while(<STDIN>) {
 if ($_=~ /.*/) {
 # print $_;

 if ($_=~ /filename=\"(.*)\"/) {

        if ($_=~ /^\-+/) {
        #print "ENDDECODING....";

        if ($status2==2) {
# print "q";
 push @line, $_;


 if ($_=~ /Content-Transfer-Encoding: .ase64/) {
 #print "START DECODING....\n";

       if ($_=~ /^\s/) {
        #print "START2 DECODING....";

 if ($status==1){


$encoded = join '', @line;
$decoded = decode_base64($encoded);

open(UT, ">$Filename");
 binmode UT;
 print UT $decoded;
close UT;
qx!sendfax -n -d $to $Filename!;

exit 0;

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