I'm having problems sending faxes with Hylafax. Incoming faxes are no problem at all. I receive the following log:
May 24 13:19:55.14: [31848]: SESSION BEGIN 00000020 141571
May 24 13:19:55.14: [31848]: DELAY 2600 ms
May 24 13:19:57.74: [31848]: <-- [4:ATZ\r]
May 24 13:19:57.87: [31848]: --> [2:OK]
May 24 13:19:57.87: [31848]: <-- [17:ATE0V1Q0X4S0=0H0\r]
May 24 13:20:02.87: [31848]: MODEM <Timeout>
May 24 13:20:02.87: [31848]: SESSION END
When I try to give that string manually in minicom, I see no problem at all and the modem replies with OK. I also tried setting the trace to 100, and then I receive antoher error.
May 24 12:38:43.53: [30966]: SESSION BEGIN 00000002 141571
May 24 12:38:43.53: [30966]: MODEM set DTR OFF
May 24 12:38:46.13: [30966]: MODEM set DTR ON
May 24 12:38:46.13: [30966]: MODEM set baud rate: 38400 baud, input flow RTS/CTS, output flow RTS/CTS
May 24 12:38:46.13: [30966]: MODEM flush i/o
May 24 12:38:51.26: [30966]: MODEM TIMEOUT: reading line from modem
May 24 12:38:51.26: [30966]: MODEM set DTR OFF
May 24 12:38:51.26: [30966]: SESSION END
I've been working on this several days now, and really can't find a solution. PLEASE HELP! I'm using a US Robotics Sportster 33.6 VoiceModem with a flashdate late 1996 (should be ok). I tries Fax 1 and Fax 2.0, I tried lowring the speed to 19200. All without results.