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[hylafax-users] "504 Job 66 not deleted; use JSUSP first"

Title: "504 Job 66 not deleted; use JSUSP first"

Hello everybody,

I use hylafax 4.1beta3-1 on linux redhat 7.1.

I'm writing a hylafax client and I woult like to know what is the
difference between JKILL,JSUSP,JINTR and JDELE ?

After studying faxrm -v output, I know that a job in the sendq directory
can be moved in the doneq directory with JKILL, a job which is in the
sendq directory can be deleted with JDELE.

But what about the following log ?

JOB 66
200 Current job: jobid: 66 groupid: 66.
213-PS docq/doc66.ps.66
230 Administrative privileges established.
200 Job 66 killed.
504 Job 66 not deleted; use JSUSP first
DELE  docq/doc66.ps.66
250 DELE command successful.

Laurent Schneider - France

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