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Re: [hylafax-users] Position of TagLine generated

At 06:47 PM 5/16/01 -0400, Jeff Herring wrote:
>This suggests to me that the TagLine is generated "over the top of" the image
>produced by the Ghostscript invocation. Do I understand this correctly?

'man tagtest' would lead one to believe that this is correct.


       tagtest  is a program for testing the ``tag line'' support
       in the HylaFAX server.  tagtest takes a TIFF/F (TIFF Class
       F)  file and generates a new TIFF/F file that is a copy of
       the input file, but with sample tag  lines  imaged  across
       the top of each page.  Options are provided for specifying
       a tag line format string and a tag  line  font  file.   If
       neither  are  specified,  then  tagtest  will  use builtin
       defaults.  tagtest is designed for testing tag line format
       strings  and  fonts  before they are configured for use by
       the facsimile server.

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