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[hylafax-users] USR Sportster config

Hi all,

I've had limited success with finding a working configuration file for a
USR Sportster 33600/Fax EPROM V2.31 DSP 2.31 external and thought
someone might have a working one they could forward on to me.

I understand Class 2 has been improved. It's been some time since I've
had to configure HylaFAX, and as it turns out this time I'm also stuck
with a USR. Is it still the case that:

- Class 1 works best
- flow control should be software (xonxoff)
- they are expected to be unreliable

Advice greatly appreciated..

Dave Wreski
Corporate Manager                           Guardian Digital, Inc.
(201) 934-9230                Pioneering.  Open Source.  Security.
dave@guardiandigital.com            http://www.guardiandigital.com

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