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Re: [hylafax-users] DestControls - MaxConcurrentJobs - syntax


I think, the best solution would be to integrate this
feature in hylafax:
i.e. in the config.ttyS0 file an entry like

LINELOCK = /var/lock/LCK..phoneline01

This lockfile should be additional to the "standard"
lockfile for the serial line.
In this scenario it would be possible to have only 1 or 2
(or more) phonelines with more
then one modem dedicated to a phoneline.

Sendfax would have to look for 2 lockfiles, the serial and
the LINELOCK file.

Maybe the developers could take a look at that and say their
opinions ?

The idea with the symlinks is in my opinion not the best
because of incompatibility with
other apps which like to access to standard lockfile.

Greetings Torsten 

Lee Howard schrieb:
> At 03:42 PM 5/1/01 +0200, Torsten Mueller wrote:
> >Hey,
> >
> >Lee Howard schrieb:
> >...
> >> I hope this makes sense.
> >>
> >> I would like to use this in a HylaFAX setup so that multiple modems can fax
> >> out using only one phone line.
> >>
> >> Any ideas?
> >
> >My 2 cents:
> >
> >Why not use 2 modems with one lockfile ?
> >If the first modem dials, there exists also a lockfile for
> >the
> >second modem. Hylafax has to wait for completing the first
> >job on modem 1.
> I think this is a good idea.  Do you mean to do this in the HylaFAX code,
> or is there a way to hard-link /var/lock/ttyS1..LCK and
> /var/lock/ttyS2..LCK somehow??
> Thanks.
> Lee.

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