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[hylafax-users] (no subject)

hey,guys,as we know,win2000 can provide a virtual fax server service
when u install one fax-modem,and any file viewer can send fax by 
[file->print],u just treat the fax service as one printer.
but it is shabby that the fax service can't be shared,it is only a
*local fax service*.
so i think if we can write such a fax server service which describe
one hylafax server,so anybody who hasn't a faxmodem can also send fax
by file viewer's [file->print],and the folowwing selecting one fax 
ok,just think it a great idea,has anybody do such thing?

BTW:I am using win2000 now,don't know if win98 has such function.

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