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Re: [hylafax-users] Strategy for status needed

At 07:20 PM 4/11/01 -0400, Jeff Herring wrote:
>Except that I'm using the -f option to specify a "from" string on the cover 
>This "from" string has no relationship to the "sender", so where would notify
>send the e-mail notification if that "from user" didn't exist on the "local 

sendfax -f "faxguy@deanox.com (Lee Howard)" -d 1234567 /etc/passwd

Will send a fax from user faxguy@deanox.com with the coverpage saying
"From: Lee Howard".  faxguy@deanox.com will receive all the notifications
without appearing on the coverpage.

from 'man sendfax':

       -f from     Use  from  as  the  identity  of the facsimile
                   sender.  Otherwise the sender is the user that
                   invoked  sendfax.   The  sender  is an account
                   name to  which  the  HylaFAX  software  should
                   direct  notification messages.  The from iden­
                   tity may be a fullblown ``From:''  line,  e.g.
                   e.g.    ``Joe    Blow    <joe@foo.com>''   and
                   ``joe@foo.com (Joe Blow)'' are acceptable.  If
                   no  host-part  is specified in the from string
                   the local hostname is used.   This  option  is
                   useful  when  sendfax  is invoked on behalf of
                   another user, such as in the implementation of
                   an electronic mail to fax gateway.

Unfortunately, the documentation does not make it clear that only the
name-part of the sendfax -f option will get delivered to the faxcover -f
option... but a simple trial tells all.


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