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Re: [hylafax-users] Same problem

At 09:25 AM 4/11/01 +0100, Chris Jones wrote:

>FaxGetty[4150]: <-- [9:AT+FAP=?\r]
>FaxGetty[4150]: --> [5:ERROR]

This doesn't cause a problem as it is other than this annoying message in
your logs, but if you add: "Class2APQueryCmd: AT" to your config file it
will not give ERROR.

>FaxSend[4170]: SEND FAX: JOB 1 DEST 388334 COMMID 00000691
>FaxSend[4170]: SEND FAILED: Can not setup modem

Um, it usually doesn't get this far without making a log file.  Can you
send us the c00000691 log file?  If SessionTracing isn't at 0xFFF, then
you'll need to change that, too.

>FaxGetty[4150]: MODEM flush i/o
>FaxGetty[4150]: <-- [4:ATZ\r]
>FaxGetty[4150]: --> [3:ATZ]
>FaxGetty[4150]: --> [2:OK]
>FaxGetty[4150]: <-- [17:ATE0V1Q0X4S0=0H0\r]
>FaxGetty[4150]: MODEM TIMEOUT: reading line from modem
>FaxGetty[4150]: MODEM <Timeout>
>FaxGetty[4150]: MODEM set DTR OFF

I've seen this before where the modem doesn't echo back the "OK"s after
issuing the ATE0 command.  Try altering the ModemEchoOffCmd... (?)  You may
want it to be something like "ATE0F0" or "ATE0F1".


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