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[hylafax-users] niewbie question: how to compose prefix

Hello hylafax users,
I want to make a fax server that just send faxes outside
(not incoming fax), the problem is that I have to compose
the '0' before I can have the dialtone.The hfaxd and faxq
are running, but when I try to send a fax from the server
with sendfax I got this error:
[root@fax /root]# sendfax -r "test" -l /dev/ttyS1 -d XXXXXXXXXX
Trying fax device '/dev/ttyS1'... OK.
Dialing test... OK.
sending '/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/testpage.ps'...

sendfax: FAILED to transmit '/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/testpage.ps'.
Transmission error: +FHNG:-4 (Unexpected 'ERROR' or 'NO CARRIER'
response (int.))

I tried to put a '0,' before the dialing number but it is the same
I read the sendfax's man page but I don't understand all about prefix.
Please, where to put prefix ?

ps : my modem is a Olitec self Memory 2000 and my OS linux Mandrake-7.2
with a hylafax compiled from the sources.

Please help !!
Thanks in advance.

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