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[hylafax-users] faxaddmodem won't see the modem


I just tried to install Hylafax from the stable Debian distribution
(version 4.0.2-14). The program faxsetup runs without any problem,
but I can't get the faxaddmodem program to recognise the modem. The
modem DOES work, I can access it without any problems with minicom
(and at any speed). Can even call out with it, and it does support fax.
I couldn't find anything about this in the FAQ, so I am wondering if
someone here might know why this program fails to see my modem.

The faxaddmodem program stops after this:

> Now we are going to probe the tty port to figure out the type
> of modem that is attached.  This takes a few seconds, so be patient.
> Note that if you do not have the modem cabled to the port, or the
> modem is turned off, this may hang (just go and cable up the modem
> or turn it on, or whatever).
> Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 19200 9600 4800 2400 1200
> Unable to deduce DTE-DCE speed; check that you are using the
> correct device and/or that your modem is setup properly.  If
> all else fails, try the -s option to lock the speed.

I've also tried it with the -s flag to faxaddmodem, but then it complains with this:

> Using user-specified 115200 to talk to modem.
> /bin/stty: standard input: unable to perform all requested operations
> /usr/sbin/faxaddmodem: kill: (25850) - No such pid
> [1]+  Terminated              ( trap 0 1 2 15; while true; do
>     sleep 10; echo ""; echo "Hmm, something seems to be hung, check your modem eh?";
> done )
> There was no response from the modem.  Perhaps the modem is
> turned off or the cable between the modem and host is not
> connected.  Please check the modem and hit a carriage return
> when you are ready to try again: 

Anyone here suggstions?

#!perl #                       Life ain't fair, but root passwords help.
# Eric Veldhuyzen                              eric@terra.telemediair.nl
$!=$;=$_+(++$_);($:,$~,$/,$^,$*,$@)=$!=~                   # Perl Monger
/.(.)...(.)(.)....(.)..(.)..(.)/;`$^$~$/$: $^$*$@$~ $_>&$;`

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